Herbicide Escalade 2- (2.5 gallons/30 gallon drum) A “three-way” herbicide that controls over 240 broadleaf weeds. Compatible with most liquid fertilizers and iron. Finale- (2.5 gallons) Non selective weed control of emerged weeds in Noncrop areas. Under good growing conditions, you will see visual effects on weeds 2-4 days after application. Fusilade II T&O- (1 quart) A selective postemergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Fusilade II can be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray without damaging valuable ornamen- tal plants/shrubs. It can also be used at reduced rates to safely remove bermudagrass from tall fescue and zoysiagrass. Garlon 4 Ultra- (2.5 gallons) For the control of woody plants and herbaceous broadleaf weeds in non crop- areas. See label for more information. Imazuron DG- (10 pounds) A dispersible granule mixed with water to be sprayed on noncropland where bare ground is desired. Acts as a soil sterilant for up to a year depending on weeds present, soil type, application rate, soil temps, and precipitation. Ideal for storage areas, utility, pipeline rights of way, etc. See label for additional specifics. Lontrel- (1 quart) For selective postemergence control of broadleaf weeds in non-residential turfgrass, including turfgrass grown for seed or sod farms, and certain ornamental plantings, such as conifers, nonleguminous woody species, and ornamental grasses, in landscapes and nurseries. Mad Dog (Glyphosate)- (2.5 gallons) A water soluble liquid glyphosate formulation that mixes readily with water to be applied as a foliar spray for the control or destruction of most herbaceous plants. Mec Amine D- (55 gallons, 30 gallons, and 2.5 gallons) Selective 3-way broadleaf weed control in turf grass including sod farms. Also labeled for highways, right of ways and other similar non-crop areas. 2, 4-D, mecoprop-p and Dicamba combined to control dandelions, clover and many other broadleaf weeds. (414) 393-9101 CLLSUPPLY.com 7900 W Clinton Ave Milwaukee, WI, 53223Page 4