Herbicide Snapshot DG- (25 pounds) A selective preemergence herbicide for control of certain broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in container and field grown ornamentals, landscape ornamentals, and a variety of other areas. It is effective on more than 125 broadleaf and grassy weeds. Each gran- ule is made up of thousands of subparticles that break apart with as little as 0.2 inches of moisture. Speed Zone- (1 gallon/2.5 gallons) Speedzone is an excellent selective post-emergent herbicide with superior cool-weather performance and can be used on established cool and warm-season grasses for com- mon and troublesome weeds in turf-grass such as spurge, pennywort, dandelion, and white clover. Evidence of injury can be seen within hours of application, and plants can die in 7 to 14 days. Stinger- (1 quart) Stinger herbicide provides superior control of Canada thistle in wheat, sugarbeets, corn and other crops. And, unlike other herbicides, it can significantly reduce thistle popula- tions next season. Surflan- (2.5 gallons) A selective preemergent herbicide for the control of annual grasses and many broad-leaf weeds in landscape ornamentals, container grown ornamentals, field grown ornamen- tals, ornamental bulbs, ground covers/perennials. Surge- (2.5 gallons) Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf is a water based amine product that works as a cost effec- tive option for broadleaf weeds in late spring, early summer, and the fall maintaining its effectiveness in heat up to 90F. Spoiler- (2.5 gallons) The highest loaded liquid three-way phenoxy formulation available to the market. The high rates of three different amines delivers unsurpassed broadleaf weed control with reduced risk to ornamentals and dicamba sensitive plants. Spoiler is particularly effec- tive on tough summer annuals such as oxalis, knotweed, pursland and spurge. Tenacity- (8 ounces) Tenacity is a systemic preemergence and post-emergence herbicide for the selective contact and residual control of weeds in turfgrasses. When applied as a preemergent, weeds absorb Tenacity during emergence from the soil. When used as a post-emergent, susceptible weeds absorb Tenacity through foliar contact and soil absorption. Foliage of treated weeds cease growth after application, then turn white (loss of chlorophyll) and death may take up to three weeks. (414) 393-9101 CLLSUPPLY.com 7900 W Clinton Ave Milwaukee, WI, 53223Page 8